How can I book or change my tour?

Activities can generally be booked via email to or, where available, through online reservation.

We will of course always try to accommodate any changes in the schedule or scope of your activity even if made on very short notice, however please do notify us of any intended changes at your earliest convenience.

Please note that bookings or changes to your plans are only definitive after we have replied with a confirmation.

How am I going to pay?

Online bookings can be paid securely by credit card directly when booking. For bookings via email, we accept cash and credit card payments on the spot. In some cases a down payment will be required which can be made by bank transfer.

The details for bank transfers are:

Háfjall ehf.
781 Hornafjörður
IBAN … IS70 0172 2610 0110 5305 1304 10
Bank Account … 0172-26-100110
Bank Name and Address:
Landsbankinn Hornafjörður, Hafnarbraut 15, 780 Höfn, Iceland

What is your cancellation policy?

Tours may be cancelled by participants up to 12 hours before the arranged date and time at no charge. Cancellations up to 2 hours before the arranged date and time incur a 20% cancellation fee; tours cancelled at a later time must be paid in full.

Cancellations can be made by email to or phone (+354 8494 251).

Do you guarantee that tours take place?

No, we cannot guarantee that tours can take place under all circumstances.

Safety is our primary concern, and Iceland is not a place to take this responsibility lightly. We therefore reserve the right to cancel or discontinue activities that we do not deem safe, at any time, and for whichever reason, including but not limited to the current and forecast weather, conditions on the ground, and/or the abilities of the participants.

Will I be doing tours at my own risk?

Yes. All our activities include a certain risk of injury; some more than others. By agreeing on a tour with us you confirm that the booked activities are well within your fitness, abilities and training. Since we cannot possibly judge these factors before we actually embark on the tour, we must trust your self assessment and insist that you will be doing all activities at your own risk.

Please refer to the individual descriptions for detailed information on the knowledge and abilities required for each tour, and if you should have any questions or medical conditions that we should consider do not hesitate to contact us!

What clothing / equipment do I need to bring?

Please refer to the individual tour descriptions for detailed information.

In general, it is advisable to dress one season ‘colder’ than you would expect.

Important: There are very strict disinfection regulations regarding the import of used riding clothing to Iceland. Disregarding them endangers the entire horse population and incurs very high fees. Please make sure to follow the regulations described at the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority (PDF document).

Who is operating the tours?

Unless otherwise stated, all tours are operated by:

Háfjall ehf.
kt. 530513-0410
781 Hornafjörður

In some circumstances, we subcontract other licensed tour operators to assist us in the operation of our activities.

Still have questions?

Do not hesitate to contact us, we are glad to help! 8494251